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A Family Enterprise

Nate and Melissa have been in the sheep & chickens business since they were kids. Nate, a 4-Her and FFA alum, has always raised Corriedales. He has an entrepreneurial spirit that has spurred our laying hen operation, and his hard work keeps the farm running!

Melissa showed sheep & chickens in 4-H as well, and is an agriscience teacher & FFA advisor by day. A handspinner with a small flock of Romneys, she bought the farm property in 2016, and built a barn by hand.


As our family changed, so has our farm name! The merging of H.O.P.E. Hollow Corriedales & Falling Star Romneys has yielded Ravenwood Farm. We continue to raise both Romney & Corriedale sheep, as well as a colorful flock of laying hens.


Look for us in the show ring around New England come fair season!

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The farm property is nestled in the woods of Terryville, CT watched over by a pair of beautiful ravens. The sheep barn and stylish chicken coop were built by hand, as is how most things are done on the farm.


Our sheep produce beautiful, heavy fleeces which we shear twice yearly. Each fleece is skirted by hand to remove unwanted material, then is washed and carded. Rick Trojanoski  runs Twist of Fate Spinnery, where the washing and carding takes place. Some of our yarns are spun in his mini-mill, while others are hand-spun by Melissa. We dye a small selection of yarns each summer with natural dyestuffs like indigo.


 Each sheep's fleece is processed separately, making each yarn run special as the sheep grow and change from year to year. Fleeces, roving, & yarn come labeled with the name of the sheep it was shorn from.


We feed our flock local hay that Nate grows, cuts, bales, and puts up himself - truly a labor of love! They are also fed a balanced diet of processed grain to help them grow to their full potential.  We do not run an organic program, nor do we run a 'grass-fed' flock. It isn't that we don't appreciate those farms that can and do run specialty programs, we are just not able to do so. We use whatever processes and feed sources are necessary to keep the animals healthy and in good body condition - which means vaccinations and vet care as needed, and a tailored grain ration in addition to seasonal pasture and local hay. 


Each summer & fall, you can find Ravenwood Farm in the show barns at local fairs around New England! Showing our sheep helps us market our animals and products, as well as keeps us involved in the farm community - a second family for us!  We are proud of our flock, and enjoy showing them off in the ring.


Our flock of laying hens are raised from day-old chicks in our coop, where they have daily access to the yard, protected from critters and the elements. They lay a variety of medium-to-large colorful eggs. Currently, the flock is a mix of heritage Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, & Whiting True Blue hens, led by our "Mama Bird," a standard black Sumatra hen.



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